Sunday, December 16, 2007

because of the way that peeps have to post I have decided to create a different site... Please go to:

Thanks .. Robi

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Its snowing!!! So pretty but also soooooooooo cold...Still got the crud but now its in my nose so maybe that means its getting better...lets all hope...We are supposed to be getting a new load of wood on Tuesday and then our friends are cutting up their beef here and we are getting a 1/4 of that so that will be nice...dont know where they are going to do it but guess Mike will figure out something...Poor spitty, if I was magic I would invent him a house to live in during the winter but they say even tho they have houses they prefer outside but I went to give him his grain and he was a big snowman hehehe.. Have a great day!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Well its Friday and the cold/cough is still hanging on.. Its weird usually you feel worse at night but at about 8 I feel a little better and do the happy dance and then in the morning the "unhappy" dance :( I did call the dr yesterday and they said unless I have a fever or coughing up Mr. green (you know the guy on tv) I just have to wait it out. I had such a horrible migraine last nite I swear I was inches to trying to rip my head off..I havent had any coffee for a couple of days wonder if that did it.. but am drinking some now so we will see.. I want to be better for Tuesday, Mike has his Christmas party at work and should be fun at least I dont have to cook on that day OMG what am I saying I havent cooked since I got home.. Thank you God for bringing Mike back into my life :)...anyway have a great day!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Well I caught the Oregon Coast croup or something I have bronchitis like coughing, you know that wayyyyyyyy down deep stuff and heaven forbid you have to go to br b4 coughing...I felt like my head was going to blow off yesterday. The weather here is a nice warm 12 but is supposed to warm up to 31. I was so anxious to get home to see Mike and decorate for Christmas but feel so lousy cant do any of it.. The bathroom is coming together only a couple of walls to go some plumbing and painting..Its going to be wall to wall tub but I guess its no different than peeps who have bedrooms with wall to wall bed..Hope everyone has a great day and I hope to get over this stuff soon :)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Feeling better today not so much pain, lymphodema is getting me today but still here and kicking so I guess thats what I need to concentrate on.. I miss home but having a nice visit with mom and dad, miss sis and kids already seems like we werent even there :( .......going to play pinochle with mom and grandmother today so will be fun to see everyone...Sunny today was raining here earlier but seems to have stopped now, hope the pass is good Sun so mom and dad can take me back over... I hope everyone has the christmas spirit, look for the positive and HAVE A GREAT DAY!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Had a great time with Shirl and the kids.. too short but def a great time.. Wow the weather has been crazy..Hurricane like winds in Tillamook hopefully fam down there is doing ok and didnt lose their roof. We had a nice trip home was sooooo foggy you couldnt see the car in front of you which is pretty scary especially if that car is a semi..Stayed overnite in Eureka at a "seedy" motel lol oh well it was a good price...Got home went straight to the dr to get results from my ct scan.. He said I was getting way too much radiation from having ct's 4x a year and that they were not sure on whether my tumor was really a tumor or just a hole in my liver from my first biopsy so I have to have 3 more tests in Feb.. I dont remember what he called the first one but basically its taking blood, treating the blood with some sort of radiation and then injecting the blood back into me, doing an ultrasound and chest xray. If the spot fills up with blood this means that I can go off of chemo ..if not I have to stay on.. He didnt say whether or not he thought the Xeloda was working but took 5 vials of blood. today is a lousy day as far as feeling very good, probably just winding down from starting chemo Sunday traveling 350 miles on Monday and then traveling 12 hours 2 ways....its hell to get old lol....anyway hope everyone is having a great day!!