Friday, December 14, 2007

Well its Friday and the cold/cough is still hanging on.. Its weird usually you feel worse at night but at about 8 I feel a little better and do the happy dance and then in the morning the "unhappy" dance :( I did call the dr yesterday and they said unless I have a fever or coughing up Mr. green (you know the guy on tv) I just have to wait it out. I had such a horrible migraine last nite I swear I was inches to trying to rip my head off..I havent had any coffee for a couple of days wonder if that did it.. but am drinking some now so we will see.. I want to be better for Tuesday, Mike has his Christmas party at work and should be fun at least I dont have to cook on that day OMG what am I saying I havent cooked since I got home.. Thank you God for bringing Mike back into my life :)...anyway have a great day!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heh Sis,
Now don't fall off your chair to
see me post...LOL
I'm glad you are feeling a bit better today! The morning yucks are
probably due to stiff muscles and
all that gunk settling in the night.
I'm sorry you had such a bad migraine. :( (there are no good migraines)
I saw your lyricks show last night,
only because Grey's was a rerun. It
is a good show. The boys like it too but you must know it can't replace my Dr's LOL.
I too thank God for bringing Mikey back into your life. I just wish ya'll didn't live in the boonies.
I hope you have a great day also!!
I love and miss you SO MUCH~~